1200尺全新陽光田園風格身心靈瑜伽及手工藝環保社企工作室, 謝絕一次性即棄用品
地面/空中瑜伽. 普拉提. 粉紅瑜伽. 治療瑜伽. 空中瑜伽. 流動瑜伽. 排毒及肌力.頌缽
KCCA韓式香薰蠟燭. TIST韓式/實用手工梘導師及興趣班
Hong Kong's first body-mind yoga and handcraft studio with an extra focus on cancer warrior. We say No to one-off materials.
Mat / Aerial Yoga. Pilates. Wheel. Singing Bowl. Meditation. Pranayama.
Handcraft Bath bombs, Candles & Soaps ~ Teachers' Certificate Courses and Interest Classes
KCCA Handcraft Candle Certificate Course. CLAB Candle Certificate Course. TIST Handcraft Soaps Certificate Course.